Are you getting too many spam emails?
Yeah, it affects us all.
What’s the solution?
Listen instead
I suppose you could change your email address.
But what a palaver that would be. Having to tell everyone your new email address.
And hoping they remember to use it next time they send you an email.
So is there another way?
Here’s an idea to get around that problem…
Spam Solution
- Keep your current email address.
- And create a new email address.
Why would you do that, David? What’s the point?
Let me explain…
The brand new email address would be purely for important things such as:
- Bank and Credit Card companies
- Regular shopping accounts such as Amazon
- Close friends
Yes, you would need to tell those key people of your new email address. Not too stressful.
What would we do with the old email address?
We’d keep that open for:
- Newsletters we subscribe to
- Companies we buy from once, but are likely to keep sending us regular promotional emails
- Friends that haven’t yet got used to sending our emails to our new address
Too Many Email Accounts?
Yes, I know…
There’s a new problem now:
You’ll have to monitor two separate email accounts.
But there’s a way around that.
You can add other email accounts into a Gmail account, so that you can receive them all on one platform. On one app. On one page.
But in their own separate sections.
I wrote about how to do that, here: Add other email accounts into your Gmail account.
Your Spam Solutions?
Well, I hope that’s useful.
And it helps you to deal with the spam problem.
If you have any other good ideas for keeping spam at bay, please share them in the comments box. I’d love to hear how you deal with this 21st-century problem.
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