They keep throwing these words at us…
- Giga
- Mega
- Tera
and we’re expected to know what they mean.
So, in Tech it Easy style, here’s what a GigaByte is.

Did you say GigaByte or twig bite?
Take a Byte
First, a quick explanation of what a byte is:
A byte is a word that computers understand.
It’s made up of 8 bits (otherwise known as digits).
Yep. Just eight of them.
8 ones and noughts.
Here’s an example:
That short string of 8 ones and noughts is called a byte.

A byte is 8 bits in a language that computers understand
But What’s a GigaByte?
Now to tell you what a GigaByte is.
Well, Giga means a billion of them.
Yeah! That’s it.
Giga is one of those really smart words that the Greeks gave us.
And it simply means a billion.
Yep. A billion of those bytes in a long, long, line.
But nope, I ain’t going to type out a billion of ’em just to show what I mean.

This card will store 1 GigaByte of data
KiloBytes Too
Listen. I’ll let you into a secret.
It’s the same pattern with all the other buzz words:
- KiloByte = a thousand bytes
- MegaByte = a million bytes
- GigaByte = a billion bytes
- TeraByte = I’ll let you guess what comes next
See – all they do is add three noughts to the number and give it a fancy name.
So now you can also show off next time you join a crowd of computer geeks chatting away in the corner.

Join in the geeks’ conversation
What’s Bigger Than a TeraByte?
So now you know that we have Kilo, Mega, Giga and Tera…
But if you want to know what’s larger than a TeraByte (did you guess that’s a trillion bytes?)…
Well, that’s getting into the advanced stage!
So you’d better hop over to Encyclopedia Britannica to discover all those fancy words.
What’s a MegaByte?
Well, I wrote about that too, in an article called, can you believe…
And if you want to explore a bit more about these bits and bytes, here’s an article on my personal website:
Tera by Night
Did you know…
I used to think a TeraByte was what happened in vampire movies.

A terror bite?
Really, David?
Err, nice story. But I didn’t. ?
[…] Here’s the Tech it Easy look at a GigaByte. […]