What’s a Jay Peg?
And what can I do with it?
Great questions.
It’s all in this video.
Or you can read on to find out, instead…
May I let you into a secret…
Even though it sounds like Jay Peg, it’s actually spelt JPG.
What is a JPG?
A JPG is a digital photograph.

A JPG is a digital photograph
Is that all, David?
Yep. It’s a digital image file.
And the good thing about it is that it’s compressed.
Compressed JPGs?
Yep, your picture is shrunk into a smaller file size…
But without reducing the image quality.
Which is great when you have to store lots of pictures on your computer.

A JPG file is compressed… except that it’s done digitally!
Also Known As JPEG
Sometimes you’ll see JPG written as JPEG.
But don’t worry; they’re both the same thing.
What Can I Do With a JPG?
You can save a JPG in your Pictures folder on your computer without it taking up too much space.

You can save and find JPG files in the Pictures folder on your computer
And you can send a JPG to friends so they can admire your photo skills.
So the next time you email a holiday picture to your Aunty Polly in Australia, just be glad that it’s a compressed JPG which will get to her in a few seconds.

Easier and cheaper to email a JPG picture than to send via air-mail
Otherwise, it might be quicker to pop a print into one of those thin, lightweight air-mail envelopes.
Now that’s taking me back to the 1970s.
Thank goodness for JPGs!
What is a Megabyte?
Watch the Video
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